

life is shortand life is longin the middlewe wait forthe resultsthe age of dataconsumes menavigating…

Lake Hattie

Alone on red shoreWith a vial of memoriesDrinking in the windThat whips aboutendlessly hereI’m dream…

24.3.14 | culinary midterms

sometime around the end of 2022, i wrote a journal entry wondering why i had not yet considered my p…

24.3.12 | rebeginning

eventually, i’ll get the hang of this being vulnerable thing. bear with me. since early 2021, …


quel’que fois, le temps sans toi est perdu mais je me demande pourquoi n’est-ce pas touj…

fixed modality

même si on ne voit pas ensemblela beauté de la forme de l’homme avec mon doigt j’veux es…


Pisces season, leap year’s evethe day i learned to properly cut a chickento sit the plump thing down…


my heart is an emerald that healsit holds the power to transformthis art of pain and passionthe huma…

Taurus Moon

your supple golden hillsides are heaven. you ask me to tread slowly along the path when we make love…

Bonfire Lemons

Summer nights are sweeter for the holidays A bonfire is built where the lemons go Leo Libra chatter …

metanoia I

what’s it like to see your eyes under the Portland moon? are you still my little gift? are you…


voici moi. voici mon petit ami vieux. entre nos lits, nous sommes amis seulement. sur des lits, bien…


Evening sunshine scatters dust around the honeysuckle ghetto.Leafy urban latticework creeping above …

the treasures of venus

Put your ear to my chest and listen to the crackle of glowing ember and taut flames Brewing new bloo…

el patio de los tigres

And Aries was given to paint as well A brush can be just enough like a spear In times of peace he br…


Sucking down sun-bred sweet bellies, as raw as blushing laughter over hot tea. Plucking this rosy-ch…

to them who gathers a bouquet of clouds

With all my might I would lend to your force that courses through your long arms so they could strad…

a cool guy is not a good guy

Back to the moon Growing bigger as it rises Passing your landmarks Warmth in the sky A yellow line a…

there are still men you can’t call men

There are still men you can't call men Such boys of copper wiring give light In the way their legs s…

los angeles eod

Sunrays, with all the strength at the end of the day, Move down my neck The rocking train Pulling aw…